London Show!

I had a beautiful time on April 18th playing a solo show at The Bedford in London. The bar has a great venue in back, with beautiful sound. The place was packed and the vibes were lovely and I was joined by the lovely Nathan Finkel on guitar.  I just received Video of the show which you can watch HERE. There's a coupla cello numbers and a coupla songs.  There's some new material I'm really proud of at 9:30. Check it out and let me know what you think! 

Thanks and see you soon at a live concert.


Berlin Meets Brooklyn

photo by Alice Plati

I just got home from an amazing two week tour of Germany and the UK. Composer/performer Beatrix Becker of Berlin and I have a duo for cello and piano/clarinet called Berlin Meets Brooklyn. The project features original classical crossover music by each of us. 

Beatrix and I visited Dresden, Wurzburg, Berlin, and Gros Plasten in Germany, and London and Penrith, Cumbria in England.  We played intimate recitals to sold out audiences who were extremely attentive and wonderful. I'm feeling so grateful for the love we were shown and for the music we got to share.

Here's a short video about what we do.  We hope to see you at a Berlin Meets Brooklyn show very soon.....


Hello there!

I hope you're enjoying the first signs of Spring. Its beautiful here in New York.

Last week was wonderful. I had the opportunity to record Stravinsky's Tango with a very gifted Classical pianist, Harriet Stubbs, who's making her debut album. The great producer, Russ Titelman, winner of 3 Grammy awards and maker of some the best records of all time was at the helm. He produced Sail Away by Randy Newman, one of my all time faves. 

Working with Harriet and Russ was challenging in the best sense. Harriet's deep, insightful playing pushed me to reach deep into my own creative resources. And Russ' amazing musical imagination made me stretch my own.  

I'm looking forward to hearing the finished result when the album comes out later this year.  I'll keep you posted!

BTW, the session took place in Long Island City's Samurai Hotel Studios which boasts a gorgeous Steinway concert grand.

See you soon!
