Your MLK Day
Watch my video 'One Family' and celebrate Dr. King!
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”
-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
We’re living in a period when its easy for us to fall into a trap of endless anger and hate. Nothing could be more relevant now than Dr King’s message. Racism seems to be simultaneously on the decline and on the rise. While many of us are becoming more and more vigilant, others are falling deeper into the darkness of discrimination. But for us vigilant ones, Dr. King’s message was and always remains- we must love everybody. King married the ahimsa (nonviolence) of Gandhi’s Hindu view to the Agape (Love for all) of his own profound Christian faith. He understood that civil disobedience is a powerful tool because it arouses compassion and concession in the oppressor. But he also taught that when we fight injustice with Love, our own hearts are made stronger, deeper and more powerful for the long journey ahead. Hate, on the other hand, is corrosive to its bearer. When we’re able to witness the ‘sameness’ of the oppressor and carry Love for him or her, we can create connection and real change. When we fixate on ‘otherness’ we arrive in resistance and stoke the fires of hate. When we look across the lines and take in the humanness of our ‘enemy,’ holding Love for them, a bond is bridged between us-a reminder of our common humanity- and that is the only power that can create real and lasting change.
So on this perfectly timed MLK Day 2017, let’s remember the profound teachings of his Majesty, and go forward with Love in our hearts towards this week of profound change. We all deserve to be in Love, to be free of the scourge of hate and rage. We deserve a world without these things, and its up to us to make the change. Martin is with us, always.
Buy 'One Family' on iTunes
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Love ❤️